Bennd Yoga

Bennd is founded in a deep passion for yoga, wellness, and the environment. This passion sparked a curiosity to create a yoga brand that would evoke change in the yoga industry, and founder Heather Parkin did just that.

Heather sought out to create a yoga mat that is medicinal. Bennd yoga mats are beautiful, plant dyed, hand-loomed, eco-friendly, all-natural, yoga mats. As you walk on your Bennd mat, and you close your eyes, place your hands at heart center, take a deep breath, breathing in through your nose, and hold it, you are absorbing into your skin this deep medicine, flowing through your body, creating a positive change.

Heather, an avid health and wellness advocate and dedicated yogi - knows that yoga can do amazing things for our mind, body, and spirit. In her years of experience, she observed a major problem: most yoga products on the market today are made up of toxic synthetic materials and are chemically dyed and treated. She realized that every time she practiced yoga she was absorbing these chemicals and inhaling the fumes that were used to make the mat. Even if the mats were made out of natural materials- they were chemically dyed and treated or had toxic binding agents to hold them together. This was an alarming discovery, as the very thing she relied on to further her own health and wellness, was having a negative effect on those very things.

This started her quest to find something better. Heather was determined to find a healthier way to create yoga mats. Combined with her knowledge and passion for holistic living, she has created a yoga mat and accessory line like no other. Her mats are not only stunning and healthful, but they make for decorative pieces in the home, too.

All Bennd Yoga Mats and Accessories are made of ethically sourced, raw, natural materials. They are all free from synthetics, chemicals, PVC's, carcinogenic's, and phthalates. Studies show that by absorbing these herbs through textiles it can reduce inflammation, boost immune system, support digestive health, support radiant skin, activate blood circulation, aid in memory retention, and aid in focus ability. Throughout the the production process, the Gayatri Mantra is practiced. To enhance it's power, every night our warehouse is filled with the chanting of this mantra until morning. Heather also offers her clients to include an intention mantra card into her yoga boulsters, which she seals and sews into the product. How much more GLOWY can you get!?

Bennd Yoga //

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