Immunity Boosting Tips by Amanda Chantal Bacon

With the onset of COVID-19, we are here for you to get you the best knowledge in how to up your health. We spoke with Amanda Chantal Bacon, the founder of Moon Juice, who is one of our most trusted sources for true healing from the inside out. Thankfully, her shops are still open during this time for pick-up and delivery. Here’s what she suggests ::

// Amanda’s immunity tips //

  • Stimulating the lymphatic system with dry brushing and a cold morning shower 

  • Frequently washing hands and teaching her children to do the same

  • Using an air purifier at home 

  • Taking liposomal Vitamin C daily 

  • Removing clothing and showering as soon as you get home 

  • Not panicking and remembering that each of us has the power to keep ourselves strong! 

  • High doses of D, Reishi everyday, Zinc+B6, sleep, regulate cortisol (mediation + adaptogens), broth with garlic and ginger, Acupuncture, optimal magnesium levels, a cold minute to your shower

  • In general avoid, but especially if you want to stay strong: Sugar, fighting, alcohol, fear, processed foods, isolation and stagnation.

  • Stay calm and adapt as the scene around us changes daily, be someone’s reassurance!

Here are some Moon Juice products that she recommends:

1. A Daily Dose of SuperYou 

Moon Juice's best-selling supplement, SuperYou, has its namesake for a reason. A clinical strength blend of four powerhouse adaptogens--Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Amla, and Rhodiola--SuperYou helps normalize cortisol levels, which reduce stress and in turn help the immune system while leaving you feeling cool, calm, and collected.

2. Immune Supporting Dusts

When facing the potential of getting sick, Amanda opts to incorporate Power Dust and Spirit Dust into her daily tea or smoothies. These adaptogenic blends are particularly supportive of the immune system and help elevate mood, stamina, and recovery if you're already feeling under the weather.  

3. Prioritizing Sleep with Magnesi-Om

Sleep is the most integral facet of immune support; without enough of it, our body's defense against illness and stress isn't as strong as it should be. Moon Juice's Magnesi-Om, a blend of 3 essential Magnesiums and L-theanine, helps restore balance on a cellular level. Working quickly to ease irritability, aches, and irregularity, Magnesi-Om is a perfect night cap for when you have trouble getting the sleep you need and deserve. 

xx Stay Healthy. Stay Home. Stay Well. xx