Croft House

Reclaimed wood is Croft House's calling, and these guys are just killing it in the furniture game. What started out as selling furniture on Craigslist has expanded into a furniture store on La Brea Ave with some of the best craftsmanship in Los Angeles. Using mostly repurposed and sustainable materials, Croft House is the furniture and home decor store that offers the ultimate personal touch. Every piece is custom made specifically for your home or space. It doesn't hurt business that the owners/furniture designers Riley Rea and Alex Segal (pictured here) are super handsome. You'll rest assured knowing that its not just the furniture that glows, but also the men behind it.  Riley and Alex love yoga so much that they custom-designed a few pieces for their local studio, Modo, in exchange for unlimited hot yoga passes.

Croft House 326 N La Brea Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036 (323) 424-7743 //

Photography by: Emily Knecht